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Who is Team Malizia?
Team Malizia is a sailing race team that is led by world-class skipper Boris Herrmann. Their mission is to promote ocean science and environmental education around the world. They want to inspire the next generation with their sailing adventures.
The team's foiling race yacht is zero-emission using wind, solar and hydropower and is called Malizia - Seaexplorer.
Our common mission of sustainability
By aligning with the Science Based Targets initiative, we have set ambitious goals for our own carbon emission reduction as well as driving a global zero carbon future for our customers. We do that by investing in low carbon fuels and renewable energies. We also offer our customers data-driven insights, design and optimisation of supply chains—alternative transport modes, routes and carrier options—and low carbon fuels to support them with their transition. In addition to reducing emissions, we also invest in nature-based projects outside our value chain to compensate for our own emissions. We also offer our customers the possibility to be part of this initiative.
Together with the Team Malizia, we want to join forces to achieve an even stronger and broader impact on society. Our partnership is based on joint key messages around ocean health, ocean protection and climate action. Environmental protection through CO2 reduction is one of the major sustainability goals.
Our main goal is to raise awareness and drive a sustainable future.
Are you interested in more details? You can find further information about our partnership here.
© of the images: Ricardo Pinto, Jean-Marie LIOT | Team Malizia
Education and kids
Children are our future. They have the power to shape our future world. In projects at schools, online conferences and onboard of the boat itself, the Malizia team educates kids about the ocean, climate change and the importance of CO2 reduction.
At the start of each race during the race village, there is a dedicated kids stand where children can visit to learn more about the ocean and to be inspired by the adventure. Kids can also get in touch with Team Malizia from home. They can then follow the races, link up to the boat during the race via video conferences and ask Boris all sorts of questions whilst he is at sea. In addition, there is the Ocean Challenge Educational Kit. It explains to children aged between 9-14 years old, ocean themes, climate change and climate change solutions.
Educational Kit is now available in Turkish. Click here to download and see the available languages.